Russia has a remarkable selection of geological characteristics and is incredibly varied. The land is traditionally divided into five natural zones by geographers: tundra (virgin lands devoid of anything but mosses and lichens ), taiga ( forest zone ), steppe ( grassy plains ); arid zone; and mountain zone.
Tundra, with its well-known flocks of exotic reindeer and long days of total shadows in the winter, makes up a large portion of the northern region. The tundra transitions into the taiga area a little further south, with nutrient-rich dirt that promotes the growth of pine trees like spruce and larch. The biome then transforms into a forested prairie where evergreen trees like maple and poplar begin to grow.
A significant portion of the Russian landscape is covered in rock-solid tundra, which makes building roads and railroads difficult and prevents the ground from melting as snowfall melts. The majority of Russia is far from oceans, and even the interior experiences low to average rain rates.
Air currents from the Pacific and Indian waters are moderated by the hills on Russia’s northwestern and southwest edges. These areas have a cold climate, making it challenging to develop agriculture. These factors have influenced the population’s submission: more than three-quarters of people reside in the unequal German western sector, while only about one-fourth are concentrated in Asia. The transportation of raw elements, meals, and manufactured merchandise is also cheap due to the unfavorable regional and climatic conditions.
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